Friday, April 24, 2009

Carpet Cleaning and Stretching Residential Carpet

Do you have ripples in your carpet? Areas that need to be stretched? A lot of these ripples are caused by improper installation. The carpet is not properly power stretched with the right tension and over time and elements in the home such as heat/air/humidity, the carpet starts to ripple. We can solve this problem by power stretching the carpet back into place. And in most cases, you will NOT need to move any furniture. After we stretch we are able to clean and sanitize your carpet and any other needed repairs you may have. Such as Kool Aid stains, seam repairs, and Pet Urine Odors. Carpet Cleaning Atlanta by Magic Carpet can help you achieve a happy healthier home. For additional information, please visit our website.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sanitizing Residential Carpet for Spring Cleaning

With all the pollen and winter blah, your carpets are in serious need of cleaning. Think Carpet Cleaning Atlanta by Magic Carpet! Did you know that your carpet acts as a filter in your home? Filtering gas, human and pet dander, dirt, and whatever else comes in your home. Vacuuming only removes 79% of this filtered mess. That means carpet cleaning is recommended to maintain a healthy home environment every 6 months by a professional service. Carpet cleaning sanitizes and reduces the amount of allergens and dust that your family lives with on a daily basis. So if you are having allergy problems, it may just not be the pollen, it might be in your carpet! We are available to clean all residential and commercial carpet with stain removal services. We also offer Air Ducts and Dryer Vent Cleaning Services. We are here to help you achieve a Happy Healthy Home Environment. For additional information about Carpet Cleaning Atlanta by Magic Carpet, Please see our website for further information.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Repairing Color Loss from Bleach Spills

If you have spilled bleach or used a product on your carpet and were unaware of its bleaching capabilities on your carpet and now you are left with color loss, no worries, this is fixable. We are able to "deactivate" the bleaching agent and add the color back to your carpet. We specialize in residential and commercial carpet cleaning atlanta and repairs. Please visit our website for additional information.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Kool Aid Stains in Residential Carpet

Red stains from dispersed dyes from products such as Kool-Aid, Wine and Fruit Juices can leave stains in the carpet that other carpet cleaning companies leave behind...calling them permanent stains. These stains are very much removable and not permanent. With an additional heat extraction method, removing agent, and professionally trained technician, these stains are "magically" lifted right out of the carpet. These types of stains are usually removed prior to carpet cleaning. So if you are thinking Carpet Cleaning Atlanta, think of Magic Carpet and Please visit our website for other information regarding cleaning and stain removal.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Protect Residential Carpet from Stains

Carpet Protector is well worth the added expense to your residential carpet cleaning bill. Carpet Protector is applied once the carpet is cleaned. It creates an invisible layer on top of the carpet fibers that keeps fluids and dirt from penetrating the fiber material and causing staining. Fluids will bead up on top of the carpet and allow you time to get a towel to blot (don't rub) up the wet spot and dirt is able to be vacuumed up easily before staining the fibers. So if you are interested in Carpet Cleaning Atlanta think Magic Carpet and For more information, please visit our website.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Welcome to the Magic Carpet, Inc. Blog!!

The purpose of this blog is to provide information and comments on carpeting and the best methods and "tips and tricks" to clean your residential and commercial carpets. We are not going to overload you with technical jargon. We will, from time to time, provide you with information you can use to keep your carpeting clean and fresh and last longer. For more information go to our website at