Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Hot Water Extraction Carpet Cleaning
Hot water extraction carpet cleaning is the recommended preferred method of carpet cleaning by the leading carpet manufacturers. A "preconditioning" treatment is used to breakdown soils in the carpet prior to carpet cleaning. At Magic Carpet we use a rinsing agent as well through the truck mount that helps remove excess soils and waste from the carpet to eliminate re soiling issues. This extra step and product is not used by all truck mounted carpet cleaning companies. The carpet is slightly wet and should be feel "cold" or damp to the touch when cleaning is complete. Carpet Cleaning Atlanta by Magic Carpet recommends you stay off the carpet if possible after cleaning, however, you are able to walk on it if needed. The carpet will dry faster with good air flow in the home. Turn on ceiling fans and HVAC units. Never open windows in the Atlanta area especially as its humid and this damp air will not help carpets dry faster, it will take longer for complete dry time. For more information concerning carpet cleaning in the Atlanta area, please visit our website.