We all have seen the over the counter products in the stores that remove spots from Food to Wine...keep in mind if this removes the wine, it might remove the color too. Be Careful. First remove the excess contamination from the carpet fibers, then apply some luke warm water and club soda on the spot and gently with a white or neutral colored washcloth blot up the contamination from the outside edge of the spot working inward. Do not rub or agitate in the spot, this may cause fiber distortion which can overall make the fibers reflect light differently and appear to still be dirty.
The problem with the over the counter products, is they can sometimes set a stain where professionals are unable to remove it after the fact. These products can also leave a heavy residue which will attract soil particles eventually creating a stain in that area.
We use hot water extraction carpet cleaning with truck mounted equipment. If you find that you are having problems with spots in your carpet, we can clean them out for you. Also, we offer a FREE bottle of Professional At Home Spotter Remover to all our residential customers. This product does miracles, it will remove the spot and will NOT leave a residue behind to attract any soil particles. So if your interested in learning more about Carpet Cleaning Atlanta by Magic Carpet, then Please see our website for more information.